Seventh Grade Learning Goals
These Seventh Grade Learning goals are suggestions based on state standards. As always, each child learns differently and at a different pace, this is to act as a guide for subjects and also help with the order of presenting info to your learner. If your child needs a refresh or is missing some concepts, please refer to our Sixth Grade Learning Goals post to review.
Most students in seventh grade are usually 12-13 years old. Seventh graders explore more independence in their schoolwork, discover new interests, and gain a better understanding of themselves.
Seventh-grade students should be able to:
Apply math to everyday activities
Understand and apply basic concepts of geometry
Read fluently, analyze the text and infer its message
Understand the human body and its different systems and functions
Learn to recognize the different cultures
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Math
A comprehensive 7th grade math curriculum will ensure that students are covering each of these learning targets:
Develop an understanding of operations with rational numbers.
Accurately represent rational numbers with decimals.
Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
Draw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, and volume.
Extend use of the four basic arithmetic operations on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
Interpret and analyze data presented in a variety of forms.
Use properties of operations to generate equivalent equations.
Solve real-world and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions, equations, and inequalities.
The ideal math curriculum for 7th grade should be based on these standards while engaging students with fun and varied activities.
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Reading
Middle schoolers are presented with increasingly complex texts in all subjects, so they must master reading skills that will bridge across all curriculum areas. A successful 7th grade language arts curriculum will focus on reading skills such as:
Using strategies to construct the meaning of unfamiliar words
Analyze elements and style of different genres of literature
Use text evidence to analyze, infer, and synthesize ideas.
Determining the theme of a text as well as the author’s purpose
Giving an objective summary of a text
Identifying and distinguishing between cause and effect in literature
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Writing
In the middle school years, students are learning how to adapt their written communication to the intended audience, task, or purpose. This involves many different skills including:
Learning how to write an analytical argument and support it with claims and evidence
Organizing informative/explanatory writing by definition, classification, cause and effect, comparison and contrast
Developing topics with relevant content, language, and style
Conducting short research projects to answer questions
Quoting and paraphrasing information from sources
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Grammar
IBeing able to communicate effectively in writing requires a mastery of grammar and mechanics. Practically, that translates into doing better in school, getting the jobs we seek, and clarifying our points of view. In seventh grade, grammar instruction focuses on concepts such as:
Using prepositional phrases and clauses correctly
Understanding and use of all parts of speech, including plural nouns, possessive nouns, verb tenses, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, and conjunctions
Applying the rules of convention for capitalization and punctuation
Recognition of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences to signal differing relationships among ideas.
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Science
For seventh grade learning goals, it’s important to broaden your student’s natural curiosity to help them start preparing for high school. Observing, experimenting, theorizing and developing explanations will set them on the right track to maximize their learning potential in science. To accomplish this, 7th grade science should focus on:
Using scientific language in written and oral communication to present scientific findings.
Accurately describing the general functions of the different cell components.
How organisms pass on their genes.
Explaining the primary functions of different organs and systems in the human body.
Orally listing out the different forms of energy and their sources.
Explaining how the different types of energy can be detected.
Describe biodiversity and how living things respond to environmental changes.
Identifying patterns in nature and explaining their connections.
Understanding differences between weather and climate.
How elements are arranged on the periodic table.
Seventh Grade Learning Goals for Social Studies
In 7th grade, it’s important to broaden your student’s natural curiosity to help them start preparing for high school. Observing, experimenting, theorizing and developing explanations will set them on the right track to maximize their learning potential in science. To accomplish this, 7th grade science should focus on:
Using scientific language in written and oral communication to present scientific findings.
Accurately describing the general functions of the different cell components.
How organisms pass on their genes.
Explaining the primary functions of different organs and systems in the human body.
Orally listing out the different forms of energy and their sources.
Explaining how the different types of energy can be detected.
Describe biodiversity and how living things respond to environmental changes.
Identifying patterns in nature and explaining their connections.
Understanding differences between weather and climate.
How elements are arranged on the periodic table.
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Some of our fun games, perfect for social emotional learning:
Social Skills UNO grab it here:
Emotional Charades grab it here:
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