Intro to Anatomy and Physiology - Body Positions and Planes - Classroom and Homeschool Resources
Embark on an engaging journey into the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology with our comprehensive digital resource - 'Intro to Anatomy...
Eighth Grade Learning Goals
Explore essential learning goals for eighth grade to support your child's academic growth. Find key milestones, skills, and strategies to he
Seventh Grade Learning Goals
These Seventh Grade Learning goals are suggestions based on state standards. As always, each child learns differently and at a different...
Classroom MEME Management
I have learned that the quickest way to an upper elementary/middle school student's heart is with memes. I wanted to share how I...
Decomposing Jack-O-Lantern - A Fun Fall Science Lab
Let's face it kids LOVE gross things, and gross things can teach us a lot! What better way to teach about decomposition, and how it is...
Caring for Tadpoles
Taking care of tadpoles: 1. First you’ll need a suitable container, like an aquarium or fishbowl. Choose a container that will be easy to...
Creating a Mini Closed Ecosystem at Home!
Oakley collected some sediment and water from our creek and added a piece of wood with moss in it at the top of the mason jar. We closed...
Valentine's Day Candy Heart Science
Let's be honest, candy hearts aren't the greatest tasting holiday candies, they are right up there with Peeps for me. However, we did...
Live Animal Cams - For Little Researchers
Do you have a little animal researcher? Many kids fall in love with a favorite animal, and sadly most of them are hard to observe in...
Dirty Hands Bread Experiment
This was a really neat experiment to do to learn about germs and how they spread! It was really interesting and GROSS at the same time!...